Spring is that time of year when you think about the curb appeal of your home. Whether it’s slapping a new coat of paint on the stucco or replacing windows, Las Vegas residents feel a sense of excitement every spring as they work on sprucing up their investments.
Even the Las Vegas strip gets a spring tune-up every year.
But spring is also the time when the individuals inside their homes give real thought to renewing and improving their bodies – including their smiles. Spring is a great time to consider ways to spruce up your smile to get ready for pool and sunglasses season. Dr. Hadley’s team sees a real influx of visitors each spring as clients seek to straighten, whiten, and spiff up their most important personal asset.
Cosmetic Dentistry – Las Vegas
When it comes to Las Vegas cosmetic dentistry, look no further than Dr. Hadley and his professional team. We’re expert in helping your smile look more welcoming and beautiful. Some of the most common “easy fix” spring tune-up dental procedures include:
- Teeth Whitening removes coffee and tea stains, lightens discolorations from smoking, and can make older teeth look healthy and more youthful.
- Tooth Colored Fillings replace discolored composite or amalgam fillings with a more natural look.
- Porcelain Dental Veneers are custom designed to fill gaps or cover chipped or misaligned teeth.
Cosmetic dentistry is a specialty that is growing rapidly in the United States. While traditional dentistry focuses on oral health and hygiene, the cosmetic procedures conducted by a dentist like Dr. Hadley are designed to do one thing – make you look your best.
The American Dental Association (ADA) published a report called “The Future of Dentistry.” In it, they noted that the oral health of Americans has improved dramatically over the past 10 years, as advances in general dentistry have allowed easier access to a wide variety of painless treatments. The next phase of dentistry, the report noted, is a rising trend toward whiter, straighter, cleaner smiles.
The era of cosmetic dentistry has arrived.
If you’ve been embarrassed by crooked or missing teeth, we have a number of procedures that will help you look your best this spring, including:
- Invisalign proves you are never too old to have straight teeth. Invisalign are practically transparent correctors that fit over your teeth, gradually straightening your smile. Invisalign Las Vegas means you can straighten your teeth without experiencing the uncomfortable “metal mouth” of old school braces.
- Dental Implants replace missing teeth with a custom-designed prosthesis that looks and functions just like a real tooth. It’s custom color-tinted to match the rest of your teeth. There are no dentures to slip in or clip on; dental implants have a small titanium anchor that fuses right into the bone. The new tooth is custom molded and you’ll be able to eat anything you want this summer with no slippage.
When you feel that urge this spring to work on your own curb appeal, call the team at Dr. Hadley. You don’t have to settle for anything short of the smile you’ve always dreamed about.