Based on analysis from top researchers cavity reduction can be traced back to proper use of sealants.
The New York Times (9/19, Frakt, Subscription Publication) “The Upshot” blog reports that a 2013 Cochrane review and a systematic review published in the August edition of The Journal of the American Dental Association both concluded that sealants are a valuable procedure that can protect children’s teeth because they are “effective in reducing cavities.”
The article points out that the American Dental Association “encourages sealant application” and notes current evidence indicates BPA exposure from sealants is not harmful.
The systematic review of the use of sealants and the updated clinical practice guidelines are both available in the August issue of The Journal of the American Dental Association. The ADA News also reported previously on research published in the ADA Professional Product Review that shows BPA in dental sealants is safe. provides additional information on sealants.
For more information on how you can protect your teeth with sealants and to schedule an appointment with Dr. Hadley please contact our office.