There are many types of cancer that can affect your body, but if you are like most people, you aren’t aware of the many types of oral cancer that can not only claim your oral health but also claim your life. Staying abreast of regular dental checkups twice per year can help to prevent serious complications from any potential oral cancers you might develop while also helping to ensure your general oral health. More than 40,000 people each year in the United States Develop some type of oral cancer, but you and your family do not need to be among those that fail to have such conditions treated as soon as possible.
Squamous Cell Carcinoma is Most Common Oral Cancer
The vast majority of oral cancers diagnosed each year are squamous cell carcinoma, which accounts for more than 90 percent of oral cancers. Your mouth and throat have a natural lining of squamous cells that are flat and similar to scales, but they sometimes become abnormal and can develop cancer. Early detection can locate any potential trouble spots so that your dentist can advise and undertake a course of treatment that will stand the best odds of beating any potential oral cancer and help to ensure you and your family members maintain the best possible oral health.
Many Other Potential Oral Cancers
The next most common oral cancer, verrucous carcinoma, occurs in only about 5 percent of all people and generally is slow to develop. That means can be treated with a great success rate if detected early and effective treatments are undertaken. Salivary gland carcinoma is another relatively rare cancer that affects a small percentage of people. It generally is confined to the body’s minor salivary glands and can occur in many varieties with most and likely all being very treatable. Other types of oral cancer also exist, and early detection always is the most effective way to deal with them.
When you see your dentist, which types of examinations do you have done?