Boys will be boys. They play rough and get dirty. If you have a son, then you completely understand this notion. Your son may frequently come home with new bumps and bruises from his hard work at play outside. Over time you get used to it. Sometimes, however, your child may come home with worse injuries than just bumps and bruises. It can probably range from broken bones to bloody noses. It can be scary when your son walks into the house, mouth bleeding, and he is holding part of his front tooth in his hand. While he was riding bikes, he went over a rock, and hit his head on the handle bars, breaking his tooth in the process. He has already lost his baby teeth, so it is not like he will just grow another tooth. Las Vegas dentists know how to help you. When you take your son into the dentist, they can get him set up with a porcelain vaneer. Your son will be thrilled that he has his tooth back, and his smile is a good as new, and you will be thrilled that you were able to get him the help that he needed. When something like this happens to you, contact Dr, Hadley and his team today so that you can get the treatment needed for your child.