If you ever find yourself hiding your smile because you have bad teeth or other problems that you think are unsightly or might look less than terrific, you can have a full mouth rehabilitation done to address any dental problems as well as cosmetic issues to make your teeth white and your smile perfect. Instead of working on a single tooth at a time, your dentist will focus on taking care of the entire mouth and restore its form and full function. If you have pain eating, teeth that need to be restored or replaced or other issues that make your smile less than what it should be and your oral health less than what is needs to be, all of that can be addressed and corrected.
Restoration and Replacement of Teeth
Many times, you might have one or more teeth that have gone bad or old dental work that has degraded. If you haven’t maintained a regular dental appointment schedule in recent years, that could mean several teeth need to be restored or replaced, and your dentist can work with you to determine the best way to do that. Working with your insurance, budget and needs, your dentist can use inlays, onlays, crowns, implants, veneer and aligners to fix, replace and straighten your teeth and make them look the best they ever have.
Fixes Old Damaged Teeth
Teeth suffer chips, cracks and other types of damage from more than just cavities. Trying to open twist-off bottle caps with teeth, biting down on a bone or hard popcorn kernel and many other mishaps can damage teeth over time. A full mouth rehabilitation will fix any damage you might have done to your teeth over the years, straighten and whiten them and make your smile look perfect. The cost can be relatively affordable and the health benefits substantial.
What kinds of damage have your teeth suffered?