Happy Holidays from Dr. Hadley’s office. Tis the season for Christmas cheer, which includes eating all sorts of treats. While this is the season for over indulgence, be mindful of the sugary foods that can cause harmful dental issues. Take a look at our list of Christmas Sweets that are totally bad for your teeth.
1. Candy Canes
Sweet and minty, these little sugar canes have enough sugar to rot your entire mouth.
2. Sugar Cookies
Just like grandma used to make em. These treats are filled with over 2 1/2 cups of sugar per batch. Brush after indulging!
3. Hot Cocoa
Rich, chocolatey hot cocoa does everything to warm you for the season. It’ll also give you a sore tooth and stained teeth if you’re not too careful.
4. Peppermint Bark
Three types of chocolate sprinkled with candy cane chunks sounds like the best dessert ever. But your teeth won’t like you for it!
5. Plum Pudding
Given its a pudding with a hodge-podge of sweet dried fruits, sugar and artificial flavorings, make sure you take a small serving!
6. Fruit Cake
If you actually enjoy this strange candy cake, don’t be surprised if you spend Christmas eve nursing a sore tooth.
7. Chocolate covered nuts
The Nutcracker is a beautiful ballet, and they make wonderful Christmas decor. But if you’re eating chocolate covered nuts this holiday season make sure you floss afterwards.
8. Red Velvet Cake
A Christmas tradition for some, this cake is rich, decadent and made with delicious sweet cream frosting to die for. But sugar is the main ingredient in this red cake, so beware!
9. Ginger Bread Men
Whether it’s the just the man or the whole entire gumdrop covered house, ginger bread cookies have a spicy sweetness that’s nearly impossible to turn down. Just be mindful of cavities!
What are you favorite Christmas sweets?