Bruxism and Teeth Grinding
Bruxism or tooth grinding doesn’t usually cause harm, however, if you grind your teeth too often it can be damaging to your oral health. It’s important to recognize whether or not you grind your teeth because it may require medical attention. Many things can lead to bruxism, stress and anxiety are the two most common causes.
Most people who grind their teeth tent to do it in their sleep. Teeth grinding can be caused by more serious medical conditions like sleep apnea but is most commonly caused by stress and anxiety. Crooked and sore teeth can also result in teeth grinding. If teeth grinding is chronic it often leads to fractures and breaks within your teeth. Not only can it grind your teeth to stumps but it can also put stress on your jaw which can cause TMJ.
It is important for you to know rather or not you grind your teeth since it can be dangerous. Because teeth grinding most commonly occurs when people are asleep most people who do it are completely unaware. Common symptoms of bruxism are waking up with a dull headache or persistent pain in your jaw.
So if you do grind your teeth what can you do? You can start with talking to your dentist; they will be able to help you depending on the severity of your case. Some people require a mouthguard to protect their teeth when they sleep. You can also watch what you eat right before bed, Caffeine or stimulants before you sleep can also cause teeth grinding. Throughout the day focus on relaxing your jaw, If you notice you’re clenching your jaw you could also be teeth grinding. Also, do what you can to avoid stress where possible. It may seem obvious but up to 70% of bruxism is caused by stress and anxiety.
If you believe that you may be suffering from bruxism, contact Dr. Hadley.