Everyone knows the typical culprits when it comes to foods that are bad for teeth. We think of popcorn, cotton candy, and jawbreakers or something, right? As a Las Vegas dentist it’s my solemn duty to tell you that, unfortunately, it’s not always obvious which foods are doing a number on your teeth. It might surprise you to see the following three foods in this line up, but here they are. Want to keep your pearly whites … well, pearly and white? Tread lightly next you get a hankering for…
Citrus Fruit
This may come as a surprise to some since we typically think of fruit as good and healthy. And while it is, the damages cause by fruit that is high in citrus might not be worth the benefits. Fruits like lemons and grape fruits have high concentrations of acids that actually break down the enamel surrounding your teeth, leaving them unprotected from the big bad cavity monster.
Coffee, Tea, and Red Wine
These three bad boys will do a number on your teeth. Sure, most of us are aware that they stain your teeth. But it gets worse! The surface of teeth that are stained are riddled with thousands of little grooves and nooks, places when cavity causing bacteria love to hang out with all their friends. Tsk tsk tsk…
Dried Fruit
This isn’t just the citrus-loaded fruits. This is all of them. Dried fruits of all varieties are sticky and packed with sugar. So not only do they stick to your teeth like a banshee while you’re eating them, but they promote some serious dental erosion afterwards by feeding the hordes of bacteria already in your mouth. I’m not saying that you shouldn’t eat them, but make sure to eat them in moderation and to brush afterwards. (Don’t just go in the bathroom and turn on the water. You know who you are.)